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601 Sheldon Building

April 22, 1941

Memorandum for Mr. Victor H. Cahalane, In Charge 
Section on national Park Wildlife:

Reference is to your memorandum of April 8 regarding the possible use of an autogyro for counting Bighorn in Death Valley National Monument. We have been informed recently that at least some types of autogyro have a ceiling of only 7,000 feet, and even then only when carrying one passenger. We do not know, of course, the type or capabilitIes of the autogyro which is being considered for use out here, and we realize that the technical decision of the aeronautical authorities in charge will be the final authority as to the feasibility of using this type of aircraft here. He meraly [[merely]] wish to point out that in the Penamint [[Panamint]] Range of Death Valley National Monument operations at this season of the year probably will have to be carried out close to the crest of the range, which rises to an elevation of approximately 10,000 feet.

We hope that it will be possible to arrange the census as planned, and feel that it will be a most interesting undertaking. If successful, it may hold considerable promise for the future.

Acting Regional Director

National Park Service—Wn.
Fish and Wildlife Service—Wn.
Death Valley National Monument

Transcription Notes:
autogyro, generic; Autogiro, company name. Either spelling is ok.