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July 28, 1941

Memorandum for Superintendent Guy D. Edwards: 

Reference is made to the memorandum for the Regional Director, Region III, from Mr. Evison, Acting Supervisor of Recreation and Land Planning. 

Item Number One, spark plugs, rocker shaft washers, and bronze rotor fork washers are O.K.

The 3-pound coil of brass wire was not in the shipment received from Air Associates. 

The item of 3 studs, generator 5/16 x 1-21/32 were received O.K. 

The tools checked at Washington were received just as checked there, but items unaccounted for were never received from Ft. Knox. 

There were two leatherette tool rolls and both were received by Mr. Driskill. The one I had was used to contain the tie down stakes when Mr. Driskill received them from me in Washington. I do have a canvas kit containing tie-down stakes in my possession, but I do not feel that I should list this as a leatherette tool roll. 

In regard to the exhaust collector ring, I would check this item as received, as we have the old one which was removed from the autogiro in the store room. 

I trust this gives Mr. Evison the desired information requested in his memorandum. 

H. Clay MacBrair Jr.

H. Clay MacBrair, Jr.,
Associate Autogiro Pilot.