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November 22, 1941. 
Mr. John D. Driskill, 
National Park Service, 
Manteo, N.C. 

Dear Dave;

The Park Service will carry you on their payroll until you receive your papers notifying you that you are on the payroll od [[of]] the Indian Service. You will submit your time sheet in the usual manner. 

We hope to get the full equipment shipped this next week, and you will then be on your way. 

All correspondence should be addressed to the Commissioner OF [[Of]] Indian Affairs, Interior Department, Washington D.C. In one corner of the envelope type, 

Hugh F. Alexander, 
Senior Clerk.

Enclosed list of the men you met, while here during your last visit. 

I may be able to give you more information Monday, in the meantime, get ready to move. 

You may have the cars l[[strikethrough]]e[[trikethrough]]oaded wherever you think advisable. 
