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the horse - & so is Poyo - & I did it without criticisms in [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] 2 1/2 days.

 [[circled]] 4. [[/circled]]  The marmoset, Lion, & peke for the Swansons are in place, & the owners like them - though I don't like[[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]] the way they are placed. They should have air behind them - & they should be well lighted. [[strikethrough]] Photos [[/strikethrough]] Enlargements of these are in two [[strikethrough]] shoes [[/strikethrough]] shows, & are swell, thanks to [[strikethrough]] the [[/strikethrough]] photographer Jim. 

[[circled]] 5. [[/circled]]  The Wermuth house sculpture to start in January.

My work has now the danger of becoming Wiener Werkstadt-like.

I am still using observations made in childhood - [[strikethrough]] bu [[/strikethrough]] but have developed in design - especially architecturally. I 

Transcription Notes:
Wiener Werkstätte