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also find that since I use a real material (clay) - I am at last using the knowledge I've had latent for a long time. [[margin insert]] example-character & anatomy in horse [[/margin insert]]Soon I shall exhaust that, but for a longtime it had stored up [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] through plasterlene research, [[strikethrough]] which I [[/strikethrough]] with no results, - but still it made me explore. After 11 mos. of clay, I am now thought of only as a ceramist!

The war is all around us & practically in the country - & the elections are closing in on us. Both Japan & Germany are irate at us - & I'll leave it to Lippmann to explain, as he has been doing so very well lately. We've gotten long well-written & exciting letters from Peter Scott - now a Lieut. with much responsibility[[strikethrough]]s[[/strikethrough]] - & a brilliant record already. Kenneth Payne writes he