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(Bitch) Rich saying she wouldn't pay him what she owed - so that he's been working for her at a loss. She did this probably because she is in love with him, & feels mean about it because he's loving [[strikethrough]] elsewhere [[/strikethrough]] another. He [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] was leaving Cranbrook in June, but this means he'll probably never get away. When he asked how I was I told him briefly, whereupon he burst into tears. Poor Charlie! When he left [[strikethrough]] to [[/strikethrough]] faithful Marion came with flowers & 5 minutes later came Betty in tears, & asked Marion to leave. She had just heard that Wally (who was [[strikethrough]] in [[/strikethrough]] at first in love with Marianne - then this fall violently in [[strikethrough]] tin [[/strikethrough]] love with Julie for exactly 3 weeks - then had a very bad car accident, & was taken care of mostly by Betty) is going to marry Jill. [[strikethrough]] He [[/strikethrough]] Wally & Jill had seen very little of each other these two years - & occasionally