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gone out together - & now suddenly - after a weekend, they came back announcing that they are marrying in a month. Poor Betty is really in love with Wally - & cried her eyes out. She disappeared when Marianne & her sister came to call [[strikethrough]] Her [[/strikethrough]] Marianne's troubles started with the Finnish War. She is Finnish & the weaving teacher here - & never has any money. Suddenly last fall she secretly married Chuck, & 2 [[strikethrough]] 3 [[/strikethrough]] mos later told us. She is about to have a baby - & now her sister (an actress-) [[strikethrough]] who [[/strikethrough]] has just arrived from Finland - her boat having been bombed [[strikethrough]] as her boat [[/strikethrough]] & held up 2 weeks on the Faeroe Islands. From there she got on a boat for Havana - & arrived here penniless, having lost all she had bought for herself & Marianne on the boat

Transcription Notes:
Marianne Strengell, weaver who took over from Loja Saarinen