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which burned & sank from its six bombs. She had bought all she could with the money they have in Finland & can't [[strikethrough]] get out [[/strikethrough]] take out of the country. Now the sister has to find a job immediately - & optimistically thinks it can be in the theatre. Then came Loja - Eliel - then Jane - the doctor etc & lovely flowers. I began to forget my troubles through everyone else's, & in the evening phoned mum. She & Paul had left for Wash D.C. & when I finally got them I heard the appalling news that Paul is leaving - by secret unpublished orders from the navy - on a destroyer - for England. I felt as if it might be the last time I'd ever hear him on the phone & dread to think of mum left alone. She is stoical & noble about it - amazing as she is - she sounded very gay & I know will make a