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name & position & do things which, [[strikethrough]] he [[/strikethrough]] if he were a nobody, he'd be told to go to hell for. Its hard at Cranbrook, if you're on top, to see oneself as one is - because one's reflection [[strikethrough]] on [[/strikethrough]] in the mirror of little students doesn't guide one as it would in the mirror of a big city with [[strikethrough]] various un [[/strikethrough]] every [[strikethrough]] bus [[/strikethrough]] type of person & reaction [[strikethrough] arou [[/strikethrough]] surrounding one. [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] We both have to be very careful & self critical here. I musn't lose my tact or self discipline outside of work. Thank God for the healthy discipline of being married to a busy & selfish & super energetic creature - otherwise Cranbrook would be very dangerous for me. As it is my money & my lack of children & lack of contact with the outside world [[strikethrough]] leaves [[/strikethrough]] leave me too few responsibilities - & if I didn't

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