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P.O.Box 385
Canal Street Station
New York, New York 10013
June 1, 1979

Lee Krasner
% Pace Gallery
32-34 East 57th Street
New York, New York 10022

Dear Miss Krasner:

The enclosed is a running list of comments you made as a guest lecturer at the New York Studio School in December, 1977. Maxine Markovitch, then a student at the school, took down quite accurate notes in journal form in many of her classes and in the lectures.

I read her notebooks and found them to be full of interest. I plan to compile and publish these comments in an article this Fall. However, being that all this information is second hand, I have decided to ask all the artists quoted to approve of the textual material personally.

I hope you will approve (and/or amend) the attached copies, return one to me and keep one for your records. We are also asking to borrow from each artist a photograph of their work which they would like to accompany the text, and for which I personally will take full responsibility and return in the Fall.

Thank you for your assistance and I look forward to hearing from you.

Ellen Russotto
