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HERSTORY, page 3

rent payments or leave. In June we hired a professional administrator who lasted for two months before the stress f serving as a liaison for many constituents with different needs and demands, and the lack of money caused her to leave. Upon her recommendation we began to formulate a board structure comprised of those women who had always in fact assumed the legal, financial and administrative responsibility for the continued existence of the building.


The first act of this board in September, 1976, was to hire a new administrator (Dana Chalberg) and receptionist (Yolanda Alanis, who had already been working at the Building through CETA funding). The Board then set about the laborious task, in which we are now engaged, of defining its sphere of responsibility, decision-making powers, constituency and organization structure. We expanded from our original five members (Sheila de Bretteville, Ruth Iskin, Suzanne Lacy and Helen Alm-Roth from FSW Collective and Dana Chalberg) to include three other women whose skills and demonstrated desire and commitment to work for the Building qualified them in our eyes and was he first of new attempts to open the management structure of the Building to more women's participation. New members of the Board are Signe Dowse, Joanne Parrent, and Jill Soderholm. We expect that older members of the Board will rotate and more new members will be appointed as the organization stabilizes. Committees of the Board now functioning are: finance, fund-raising, grantwriting, PR, Think Inc (conceptualizing and concretizing existing and future structures, policies, goal and purposes), program development, gallery exhibition and extension program. Members of the community who have shown supportive interest in the Woman's Building have been asked to sit on these committees, each of which is headed by Board member. New members of the board are to be elected by Board members, with the probably nominees coming from women on the committees who have demonstrated the energy and commitment necessary to maintain this institution.

Current programs and facilities of the Woman's Building include: A performance space for theater, meetings, dances, rehearsals. 
The Identified Woman Cafe, for lunch, meetings, banquets, and parties. 
The Women's Slide Registry: work by several hundred women artists. 
The Women's Graphics Center: a teaching facility with equipment including offset and letter presses, light tables, darkroom, copy camera and plate maker, and silk-screen material.
The FSW: an intensive two year program in the visual, performance, and language arts.
The Extension Program, offering quarterly eight-week classes and one-day workshops taught by women in the community.
Additional rentor-supporters are a lawyer, Bobette Fleighman-Greiff, who rents her office at the Building; Olivia Records; and Chrysalis magazine.

In the midst of this very exciting organizational time in which we