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Educational Program
Feminist Studio Workshop - A two year, college level program in the arts giving women the support, confidence and skills to create dialogue, raise consciousness and transform culture - the Woman's Building definition of art.

Extension Program - Evening and weekend classes in the arts and survival.

Summer Art Program - A seven week intensive program created by graduating second year students in the Feminist Studio Workshop.

Women in the Workplaces Conference - A unique opportunity for working women and students to analyze their values and learn how to carry them into their workplace or learning environment.


Spinning Off - The monthly publication of the Woman's Building bringing information on women's culture to the community.

Special Projects

Woman-Woman Works - Focuses on woman-identification, women's relationships, and women's community through art, community organizing and the exploration of a woman-identified sensibility.

Ariadne: A Social Art Project - A network of women in the arts, media, government and women's organizations that produce public art on issues relevant to women. The current issue being addressed by Ariadne is Incest.

The Waitresses - A group of performances artists who see the "waitress" analogous to the position of women universally. Their artwork addresses issues of women and work; mone; stereotypes, ie: mother/nurturer, servant/slave, sex object/whore; and sexual harrassment.

Federation of Southern Women - An organization dedicated to the preservation and furtherance of the positive values and qualities of southern culture. "We draw on our sense of humor and our emotive qualities to make visible the many misconceptions about Southern women."

Women Writers - A group of women who coordinate writing courses offered through the Feminist Studio Workshop and Extension Programs, host monthly gatherings of local women writers, and organize a yearly writers series of notable women writers.