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an's Building Community Gallery.

Before metamorphosing, Womanspace sponsored a series of 18 performances produced by members of the Feminist Studio Workshop. Somewhere between a happening and theater, performance art provides artists with the opportunity to translate their personal and creative experience into a presentation before an audience, either with live actors or with videotape. Its origins are in Surrealism, but performance art owes its current popularity to the innovations of West Coast feminist artists.
Also headquartered in the Woman's Building is Anait's Gallery 707, the Women's Improvisation Workshop, and the Sisterhood Bookstore. Last April, the Los Angeles chapter of the National Organization for Women moved in.
Gallery 707 is the one gallery operated by a single owner. Anait, who is a sculptor and painter, established the first private all-women's gallery

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[[caption]] Consciousness-raising group meets weekly in the NOW office. [[/caption]]

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[[caption]] Jazzmin Meins and Wendy Dabis making jewelry. [[/caption]]

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[[caption]] Performing artists Sharon Shore (in gorilla suit) greets guest at an exhibit. [[/caption]]

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[[caption]] Anait, owner of Gallery 707, awaits visitors. [[/caption]]