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in California in the fall of 1972.

Other groups and projects under Woman's Building auspices include: the Open Wall Exhibition Program; Summer Art Program; Woman's Building Extension Program (adult education). FSW Performance Program; Women's Graphic Center; Center for Feminist Historical Studies; The Women's Switchboard (information service); The Women's Liberation Union (activist group); a feminist library; and group and individual radical therapy services.

Also planned for the Woman's Building are a black women's gallery, lawyers' offices, and a restaurant. With this broad spectrum, the Woman's Building, although primarily an art-oriented institution, will continue to be the focus of the Women's Movement in the West. --Shirley Koploy, a free-lance writer, has covered industry, trucking, interior design, and art.

(More "Ms." on the Arts on next page.)

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[[caption]] Improvisation Workshop members signal the start of a performance. [[/caption]]

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[[caption]] Meins dances her creation, "A scarab is a cockroach." [[/caption]]

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[[caption]] Barbara Smith attends an opening as "a presence." [[/caption]]

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[[caption]] Vicki Hall sews costumes in between glances at script for future show. [[/caption]]