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the building, such as workshops for women in prison.

The Extension Program for part-time students provides the opportunity for any woman to participate in classes and workshops.  The offerings range from car mechanics and self-defense to journal writing and rap groups on social issues such as racism and abortion.

Operating as a compliment to our more intimate and personalized learning environment are the aspects of the building that represent our voice to the public.  This includes the Woman's Graphic Center, where "Spinning Off" our monthly newsletter of women's culture is produced.  In the Woman's Graphic Center, women learn marketable skills of the printing trade and can actually design and publish their own books and posters.

As a community resource, our switchboard provides a complete Referral Service to women's health centers, legal aid, rape hotlines,women owned businesses and many other organizations.

The Community Galleries present women's cultural contributions of the past, present, and future to the public.  The work of Grandma Prisby, the 85 year old creator of bottle village, the Women in Architecture Show, the Women in Design Show, the tapestries by the wives of Chilean prisioners, and the "Naked Ladies" of writer/sculptor Kate Millet are only a few of the significant exhibitions that have taken place within the gallery walls.  To support the growing number of women artists, the galleries also provide the "Open Wall Gallery" for exhibition of the work of women who are members of the building, and