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The Women's SLide Registry
Members of the WOman's Building are eligible to send slides and a resumee to be included in the Women's SLide Registry which catalogs work by several hundred West Coast women artists. It provides a comprehensive overview of work in most visual media. The registry is a research resource and is available for review by galleries and musuems.

The Feminist Studio Workshop
The Feminst Studio WOrkshop is an intensive, college-level program in the visual , performance adn language arts. Memebers are committed not only to developing their capabilities as artists, but to using those capabilities to transform our culture. Memebers of the WOmen's Building ae welcome to ropose projects involving groups of women from the Femist Studio Workshop in collaborative work of all kinds.

The Galleries
The most important transition for The Women's Building is The Woman's Building Community Galleries. It encompasses four exhibition spaces and has
maintained a diverse, broad-based exhibition program since its inception in 1972. Shows have included "Up and Coming WOmen Artists in Los ANgeles", "Women Artists of Chouinard", "Navajo Women's Rug SHow", two women exhibitions, and an open wall. show. Others have been "Prints and Drawings" (ten well-known women artists), "Self-Portrait", "Ten Women Photographers", "Women in the Printing Arts", "Eileen Grey"(internationally recognized designer), an invitational Ceramics Exhibition,"la "Las Venas de le Mujer", an environmental exhibition of Chicana Culture, "The woman's Building 1893",(an historical documentation of the Building and exhibit which is the nameskae of the Woman's Building,1973, amd Women in Clay, Dcember 1976.