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Men of the finest and most chivalric type, who have poetic theories about the sanctity of the home and the refining, elevating influence of woman in it, theories inherited from the days of romance and chivalry, which we wish might prevail forever-these men have asked many times whether the Board of Lady Managers thinks it well to promote a sentiment which may tend to destroy the home by encouraging occupations for women which take them out of it. Would that the eyes of these idealists could be thoroughly opened, that they might see, not the fortunate few of a favored class, with whom they possibly are in daily contact, but the general status of the labor market throughout the world and the relation to it of women.
We are forced, therefore, to turn from the realm of fancy to meet and deal with existing facts. The absence of just and and general appreciation of the truth concerning the position and status of women has caused us to call special attention to it and to make a point of attempting to create. by means of the Exposition, a well defined public sentiment in regard to their rights and duties and the propriety of their becoming not only self-supporting, but able to assist in the maintaining their families when necessary.**

[[image]] [[caption]] French Salon [[/caption]]

The Woman's Building of the City of Los Angeles in this Year of the Woman, 1975, houses a group of activities of such diverse natures, that only a (soul) bond such as feminism (woman-loving-women) could make it possible. Despite the difficulties and the obstacles that we encounter, which are natural to the creation of a totally new and independent-woman-created environment, the joy I experience when I see a flyer announcing a new event, the exhilaration I feel during such occasions and the love and support that exists among the women that inhabit this Building is, I know, something I am privileged to be a part of. I want to manifest how honored I feel because I am one of the creators of this Woman's Building.
       Estilita Grimaldo

I wanted to create a Woman's Building for several reasons: To have an exhibition space, to have a consortium where woman's work and ideas would be presented in a serious and professional manner and above all a place for trusting friendships to develop among woman with many different backgrounds.
   Edie Gross

It is for me, a place of support, friendship and empathy. Women are easy to talk to. It is also feeling isolated as a person and as a community. It is feeling constant internal change. It is fear of self disclosure. It is caring about women. It is caring about myself. 
     Sally Hooper

[[image]] [[caption]] Feminist Studio Workshop-a Monday night meeting. [[/caption]]