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[2 columns]

Mary S. Lockwood, member at large of the World's Fair Board of Lady Managers read a statement before the national American Convention which began: "The Board of Lady Managers owe their existence to Susan B. Anthony and her coworkers, It was these women who went before Congress and not only asked but demanded that women should have a place in the management of this Columbian Exposition-and they got it." She went on to say, "...if only I could bring before them (Anthony, Stanton, and Mott) the sheaves which we are gathering from the women of this earth for this great exposition: if only I could show them how their work has put the women of this nation in touch with the women of every toher country, awakening them to new aspirations, new hopes, new efforts, to whom the dawn of a brighter day is visible..."

What am I here for today? I am not here to celebrate myself but to celebrate the World's Fair. Do you know what this means? It means the dawn of a new era for woman. For the first time in the history of the world women have been officially recognized in a world's exposition. You have this wonderful Woman's Building, designed by a woman, managed by women; and filled with the work of women; and if you don't take your new departure from 1893, women of America, it is your own fault. You have the chance and you should take advantage of it.
[right aligned]Miss Kate Field***

The bloody track of governmental evolution, conspicuous with the panoply of war, was built upon fallen thrones and devastated dynasties, the sentiment of patriotism broadening, in the red struggle, from the family to the nation.......
And Woman waited! Not yet the fullness of time for her awakening to the world's need of her citizenship. The ages had thundered from the date of chaos, and she had not awakened. But there came a noiseless, white winged thought into the human atmosphere, and women arose and stood upon her feet, and knew herself, and the world's need.......
To no less work than this is woman called and awakened, to convert discord into harmony: rivalry into emulation, jealousy into magnanimity competition into cooperation, poverty into comfort, and the love of money into the love of man.
[right aligned]Rev. Augusta Cooper Bristol**

[column 2]
I came to Los Angeles from New York in September 1973 to participate in the Feminist Studio Workshop. In taking responsibility for my participation in the Woman's Building Community, I take responsibility for all that we do cooperatively to experience my/our community here. I love being here. There is communication, sharing, exchange, support, and space to completely experience ourselves in our art and our work in building and extending our community.
My statement is the juxtaposition of the words and images of the two Woman's Buildings-Chicago 1893 and Los Angeles 1973. I began this project when I read Berthe Honore Palmer's biography. I was fascinated to read further in the documentation of the Chicago Woman's Building, that women knew then as we know now what aliveness there is for us in validating ourselves and making a space to turn our gifts outwards in a place that we choose to create.
[right aligned]Maria Karras

[2 images at the bottom of column with following captions]

Sisterhood Bookstore

Design Conference, March 1975.