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to do so). The CR group in the F.S.W. has, of course, the same functions as it does elsewhere, in providing an ongoing structure, a safe and appropriate setting for the expression of feelings, and as a politicizing experience through which women identify with each other. But since in the F.S.W. CR is an integral part of the total education structure, it has an additional and major role in the process of feminist education. Through CR women connect with their personal experiences, and realize the commonality of those experiences. This both frees up the women's energies to do work and provides access to material from which work is made. In other words, CR is a basic technique in the process of making feminist art. Because CR is a leaderless structure (and the staff does not participate in the ongoing CR groups) it allows each woman and the whole group to give and receive support. At the same time CR exists within an overall structure of feminist education which is not leaderless. The leaders (the staff) combine giving support with making demands. In addition, the fact that the CR is part of a larger structure with clear goals gives the CR focus. 

Arlene Raven has [[strikethrough]] located [[/strikethrough]] found that the four CR topics of money, work, sexuality, and authority [[strikethrough]] as [[/strikethrough]] are the basic and most charged issues that repeatedly come up in the process of feminist education. These are the first topics we deal with at the very beginning of the program in a marathon CR day in which the staff participates. The issue of money arises specifically at the F.S.W. in relation to paying tuition for the school. In a feminist structure that is outside the regular patriarchal commercial structure, the issue of money is subject for