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oppressors by women who have not yet come to experience the possibility of actualizing their own power and leadership. The process which we have [[strikethrough]] located [[/strikethrough]] recognized in our experience of feminist education at the F.S.W. as a crucial one for each woman to go through and emerge from, is, of course, just what women in the Woman's Movement in general have experienced. It has been the major source of disillusionment and deep pain experienced by just about every woman who has worked in feminist groups. It has been called "trashing," and pinpointed as partially a result of "the tyranny of structurelessness" in the Woman's Movement.15 Yet it is also a sociological phenomenon--an experience that any oppressed person has when first coming into consciousness about being oppressed--and it is a behaviour that is, or can be, the first step toward liberation. Because we see this process an an inherent and necessary part of feminist education at this point in history (however worn out we are from playing a part in it over and over again), we have developed ways in which we feel it can be handeled to further the growth of women. (By handeling I mean actively dealing with this process rather than simply reacting to it and being affected by it.) The method we use is two-fold (and works well in the context of the F.S.W. because it is an educational environment, with stated and recognized leaders): We give permission for the feelings to [[strikethrough]] come up [[/strikethrough]] arise, and actively encourage and facilitate the expression of pain, anger, etc. At the same time, we understand, and introduce, a consciousness about the source of those feelings in the oppression of women in society, which results in women oppressing each other.