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The enthusiasm of the women (and one man) who attended the workshop was such that we will, most likely, offer it again in following summers.

11. See Judy Chicago's description of the process of Womanhouse, in: Through the Flower, My Struggle as a Woman Artist, (N.Y.: Doubleday, 1975). The California Institute of the Arts, Valencia, California has published a catalogue and a slide package, and Johanna Demetrakas has made a film about Womanhouse.

12. I received Sheila's description in a recent phone conversation.

13. From the same source.

14. From a /recent interview /with Arlene for the purpose of this article.

15. See articles by Joreen (Jo Freeman) in Ms. and readers' responses to her article in Ms. Sept. 1976; see also, "What Future for Leadership?", Quest, Vol. II, no. 4, Spring 1976, Interview with Charlotte Bunch and Beverly Fisher,(originally taped in December of 1972.). The general problem is the Woman's Movement is magnified because women are so prone to see themselves as the cause of the problem, and by extension see the Woman's Movement as the cause; that the process has worn out many active feminists. internalizing the blame, we need to see the problem as stemming from women's oppression, and the struggle with solving it, as a necessary part in the process of actualizing work relationships among feminists. It is much easier to deal constructively with the problem of women's oppression of each other in the structure of an educational institution devoted to feminist education. We all realize, at this point, how crucial it is to find ways of dealing with this phenomenon in any organization in the Movement. CR was a format that brought women all over the country into consciousness, it was a structure that could be applied in any place and facilitate a feminist interaction among women while raising each woman's consciousness about herself and her relationship to her surroundings. We need to develop a structure that could be applied to any place that women work together, one which would facilitate women's consciousness of mutual oppression, and develop mutual support, strength, and leadership. It may be, that the follow up on CR -- the first stage of feminism -- is simply CR no. 2; i.e. CR sessions in which the topics to be focused on are: leadership in feminist organizations, how we feel about our own power, lack of power, and others' power; our experiences of oppression of, and by, other women in the Movement and elsewhere; how we feel about receiving and extending recognition and acknowledgement to other women; and the topics of money, sexuality, work, and authority in relationship to power and powerlessness.

16. From a recent interview with Bia the purpose of this article.