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Vol. 2. No. 211 A. C. D. C. 1866
Washington, D. C.
Nov. 21st 1866

Townsend, E. D.
Supt. &c.

Requests to be furnished with the following articles be furnished for use at Kendall Green, viz: 1 Coal Stove, 8 lengths of 6 inch pipe, 3 Elbows, 4 bbls of lime, 1 gross of screws, 1 doz. pr. light bulbs, One keg 10d. nails, 6 bunches of of lath. Also requests an order to have one doz. locks repaired

Head Quars A. C. D. C.
621 November 22, 1866

Respectfully referred to Maj. J. M. Brown A. Q. M. who will please purchase the articles within requested,

By order of Bvt Brig Gen C H Howard
Wm. W. Rogers
A. A. A. G.

E. B. Vol. 2. No. 761. A. C. D. C. 1866.

L R Book # 621

Order given Nov 22 - 

Campbell, and in many instances will cost but a trifle, if sent to Mr Peabody, Gunsmith, on D. near 7th St and will be as good as new.

The three bls' of lime ordered from Mr Godry Georgetown, was found excellent.

Very Respectfully
Your Obt' Svt'
E. G. Townsend
Supt' [[?]] G.

Transcription Notes:
This is a duplicate of page 5. I am marking as complete without reopening to edit. -- Beth