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Vol. 2. No. 221 A. C. D. C. 1866.

Washington. D.C.
Nov. 23rd 1866

Griffing Mrs J. S.
Agent &c.

Requests to be furnished with a load of coal for use in her Office.

Head Quars A C. D. C.
November 23. 1866.

Respectfully referred to Maj J. M Brown A. Q. M. who will please furnish one ton of Coal as within requested.

By order of
Bvt Brig Gen Howard.
Wm W. Rogers
A. A. A. G.

E. B. Vol. 2. No. 770. A. C. D. C. 1866.

L R Book #622.

Mrs. J. S. Griffing
394. North Capitol St.

Order given Nov 23 –