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East Capitol. St Barracks —
Washington. D. C —
December. 4th. 1866 —

I have the honor to represent that the condition of the roofs of the Barracks at this place, is such as to require immediate repairs, and would respectfully recommend that all the roofs, except the front Barrack or officers quarters, be covered with boards; this will be the cheapest way of covering roofs, as the Lumber used for this purpose, would ordinarily be worth  half-price at the end of two years — 
I would also recommend, inasmuch as the felting is finer and in good condition on the Officers Barrack, that the roof be pitched.

Respectfully —
Yours Ob't Serv't.
J. L. Roberts — Supt. &c

Bv't Brig Gen. C. H. Howard. Ass't Com' —