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Bureau Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Headquarters Ass't Commissioner, District Columbia,
Washington, December 20th 1866.

Circular Letter

Requisitions for Supplies in this District, will hereafter be forwarded to these Head Quarters for approval, only, on the fifteenth and thirtieth days of each month, except in urgent cases, when a letter stating the reason for departure from this rule will accompany the requisition.

Requisitions for fuel, forage, straw and stationery, will be made on the usual forms, and all other supplies, excepting Subsistence Stores, will be made on form 31. Officers Manual Bureau R. F. & A L, or form No 40. Quartermasters regulations.
Blank forms will be furnished for all supplies needed, upon application to the Chief Quartermaster of this District for the same.

By order of Brevet Brigadier General. C. H. Howard
Wm W Rogers
A. A. A. G

Major J. M. Brown.
Ass't Qr. Mr.