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Washington D.C.
Dec. 31st 1866

Col. W. W. Rogers
A. A. A. General

I have the honor to request that repairs of the Park-School Building on 7th St. beyond the City bounds be made as follows
75 Panes of Glass to be set
25 Pair of Blinds made new
1 1/2 Pair of Shutters
1 1/2 Window Sash.
Closing one door and putting a window in its place.
Boarding up windows over the Kitchen.
Making new doors or repairs of old ones into the Cellar, with fastenings. Painting the new blinds and shutters. All the shutters and blinds with their fastenings, and all the locks in the Building to be overhauled, and put in good order. Painting of old and new gutters, and the spouting and elbows. The Porch posts in front to be cut off, and the ends properly protected from the weathers, and mouldings put under the row of windows over the posts.