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War Department
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Washington, Feby 14th 1867

Bvt Maj. J. M. Brown, A Q M
Washington, D.C.

You will please transfer and transmit to 2d Lt. Charles Garretson, 17th US. Infy. A A Q M. B. R F & A L., at Galveston, Texas, one hundred blank transportation orders or so many as are contained in one book. Previous to being transmitted each order should be stamped "Payable by Freedmen's Bureau" —

Very Respecty
Your obdt Servt
Henry M Whittelsey
Bvt Brig. General
Chf Qr Master
Bu. R F & A. L.

1 Book
8600 mc

Sent Feb 15th/68

Transcription Notes:
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