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Washington Jany 10/67.

Rev. J. Kimball
Suptd Freedmans Schools
for D.C.

Early in July last, I opened a night-school for the education of colored men and women on 455 12th St. bet. G. & H. in this city.

The schollars were at service & hence had no opertunity to attend day-school.

There being no other room to be had in the neighborhood, I was obliged to occupy a room in my tenant house, for which I am offered $10. per month. I have taught a class ranging from fifteen to thirty schollars two, three & four nights a week up to the present time. Number [[strikethrough]] Nos [[/strikethrough]] of schollars now on the list are twenty three - pursuing, 1st 2nd 3d, 4th & 5th Sander's Reading Lessons- Geography Spelling & defining, Arithmetic & penmanship