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Vol. 2. No. 1030 A.C.D.C 1867
Washington Feby 25. 1867.

Beebe Lt. Col. W.M
Local Supt. D.C.

Requests to be furnished with the following articles of women's & girls clothing, for distribution to destitute freedpeople, leaving this District upon Government Transportation. Viz:

One hundred (100) dresses, assorted sizes.
One hundred (100) Woolen Underskirts
One hundred (100) Cotton Chemise.
One hundred (100) Cotton Underskirts.

Suggests that part of the articles above called for could be manufactured at Miss Heacock's Industrial School, and that the woolen Underskirts could be made of condemned Army Blankets.

Recd A.C.D.C. Feby 25. 1867. 

L B 1 Vol 244. O.L.S. D.C. 1867.
L R Book #693.

B.R.F and A.L.
H'd Q'rs Asst Com'r D.C.
Feb'y 28th 1867.

Respectfully referred to B'v't Maj. J.M. Brown Chief Quartermaster D.C. who will procure this material from Maj. Eldridge A.M.S.K. at Freedmens Hospital D.C. as far as the same can be made available for the manufacture of the articles within requested, (list of articles in hands of Maj Eldridge enclosed.).

By Order of B'v't Brig Genl C.H. Howard
Wm W. Rogers

E.B. Vol. 3. No. 260. A.C.D.C. 1867.