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Freedmens Hospital
Washington D.C.
March 6th 1867

I have the honor to request the following materials to be used in the erecting a shed to protect the Ambulances and Wagon used at this Hospital.

500 Feet of rough boards 18 feet long
20 pieces of scantling
20 pounds of 10d nails

It is designed merely to erect a roof against one side of the Stable large enough to cover the two Ambulances and the Wagon. Old lumber will answer for the purpose.

I am Sir
Very Respectfully
Your Obdt. Sevt.
P. Glennan
Asst. Surg U.S.V.
In charge of Hosp.

Bt. Brig Gen C. H. Howard
Asst. Commr Bureau R.F. and A.L.
Washington D.C.