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Office Supt East Capt St Barracks
Bureau R. F. & A. L.
Washington D. C.
March 1st 1867.

Bvt. Brig. Gen. C. H. Howard
Assistant Commissioner
Bureau R. F. & A. L.

General - 
I have the honor to request that the Hall which has been occupied by Miss W. F. Harris for Industrial School purposes, be fitted up for the accommodation of Freed-people waiting for transportation. 

The hall will when properly arranged, accommodate about seventy five persons — H M Howard Surgeon in charge here, will receipt for Iron Bed Steads to supply us — 

It will require for the necessary repairs

(500 Five Hundred feet common boards — 

(50) Fifty Lbs 10d, Nails.

(100) One Hundred lights, 9 x 12 Glass — the glass will not all be needed for the hall but is needed for the repairs of other windows here — 

(10) Ten pounds Putty.

(6) Six pairs Butts & Screws. — 

(3) Three Locks — and a Carpenter for (4) four days — 

Respectfully Your Obt Servt
John L. Roberts.
Supt &c