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Vol. 2 No. 1360 A.C.D.C. 1867

Washington D.C.
March 19th 1867

Newton A.E.
Sup't Schools &c

Protests againts the use of the barracks, contiguous to the one used as a "Teachers Home", for "festivals" or any other kind of carousals.

States that an institution of this character, held in one of the barracks, last night, culminated in a fight greatly to their annoyance and danger of the barracks

[[stamp]] HD. QRS. ASS'T COMMR D.C. BUREAU R F & A L RECEIVED MAR 19 1867 [[/stamp]]

L R Book #705.

Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, & Abandoned Lands,
Head-Quarters Asst. Commr., D.C,

Respectfully referred to Maj J. M. Brown Chief Quartermaster D.C. who will take measures at once to prevent a recurrence of these disorderly meetings, and not allow irresponsible persons to make use of those buildings for such purposes.

By order of
Bvt Brig Gen Whittlesey.
Wm. W. Rogers

E.B. Vol 3 No 357 A.C.D.C. 1867