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Washington July 22" /67.

W. W. Rogers
A. A. A. Gen'l. bureau Ref. &c.

I have the honor to request the following named articles and material for manufacture in the Industrial School connected with the employment Office 394. North Cap. St. none remaining on hand, excepting what is cut, and is in process of manufacture

6 pieces Calico
1 piece Gingham
1 piece Bleached Sheeting
6 piece Brown Sheeting
3 pieces Blue Denim
3 pieces Striped Denim
2 pieces Drill — unbleached
6 pieces Jeane or other material for pants & coats
2 pieces Canton Flannel
5 lbs Linen Thread Black No. 35. & 40
2 lbs Linen Thread White No. 35. & 40
12 Doz Spools Black cotton thread No. 8. to 36.
6 Doz Spools White cotton thread from 8. to 20.
(We have fine white cotton thread but no coarse.)
4. Doz'n Tape White & Colored.
12. Gross Porcelain Buttons col & white 2 sizes
12 Gross Rubber Buttons Black 2 sizes.
12 papers Needles — Sharp, from 1. to 9. not assorted.
12 papers pins
1. pr. Shears.

Respectfully, Your Obt Svt. 
J. S. Griffing