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War Department,
Bureau Refugees, Freedmen, and Abandoned Lands,
Office Chief Quartermaster.
Washington D. C., Aug 7, 1867.

Maj. J. M. Brown
Disbursing Officer, B R F & A L.
Washington, D. C.

Referring to your communication of 5th instant transmitting statements of serviceable and of unserviceable Quartermaster's (UST.) Property in possession of officers of this Bureau March 31, 1867, you are respectfully requested to state as to the serviceable property whether the whole or any part of the same is still required for the purposes of the Bureau, and as to that which is unserviceable whether it can be dispensed with and turned in to depot.

By command of Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard, Commr
Henry M Whittelsey
Chf Qr Master B R F & A L.