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Bureau R. F and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst Commr D. C.
Washington Monday June 10/67

The Board met at 10 o/clock A.M. pursuant to the above order - All the members present.

The Recorder was directed to procure information regarding the ownership and assessed valuation of the property specified in the order convening the Board - 

The Board adjourned to meet at 1 o/clock P.M. Friday June 14th 1867

Robert Reyburn
Surg U.S.V.

S. N. Clark
Bvt Maj A. A. I. G.

Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Head Quarters Asst Comm. D. C.
Washington, June 10 1867

A K Browne Esq
Solicitor B R F and A L

I have the honor to transmit herewith copy of Par. 3. Special Orders No 92 C. S. from these Head Quarters and to request that you will ascertain as soon as practicable and