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furnish for the information of the Board, the following

1st The names of the real owners of the land occupied respectively by Campbell for Freedmans Hospital situated near 7th street West in this city, and Wisewell Barracks situated on 7th street West between O and P. Streets North in this City

2d. The Assessed Value of the land belonging to each owner as above ascertained - 

Your Obdt Servt
(Signed) S. N. Clark
Brvt Maj A. A. I. G.
Recorder - 

Endorsed - 
Bureau R. F. and A. L.
Office of Solicitor 207 Penna Ave.
Washington June 11th 1867

Respectfully returned to S. N. Clark Bvt Maj A. A. I. G. with the information that the land (23 7/8 Acres) occupied by Campbell Hospital near 7th Street West is at present assessed in the name of Charles Miller's huis It was assessed last year at $19.100 00 but its valuation this year will it is thought to be much higher

The land on which Wisewell Barracks are situated is in the name of W. W. Corcoran - he being the real owner - The square - (assessed by lots) is assessed at $20.102.00