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Present rent collections are satisfactory, with the exception of Old Colony House. Lavadure. still owes $165.83, this including balance of old bill due. Income of this account was $21.00 for account of old bill, balance due $74.33. For new rent account. $233.5 received, balance due. $91.00: total as stated above. Had nerve to seek further tenant of us.

In regards to not waiting for promised collections on Mortgage interest, would state Banks have gone down on account of the so-called frozen assets; if I would depend on record via mails, (which they all get) we would be sunk too, with the aid of the law. In my last letter to you stated Sullivan. account was due Jan.22; was told to wait until 27th or 28th: later 30th. After waiting until about 5.30 Saturday, called on phone for information; was notified, about Tuesday February 2nd. What in hell can you do but take the baloney, and wait. Am still waiting for [[Abdelmasie]] to come across, also Mc. Cann. who told me he would call up previous to January 31st, to let me know if anything could be done: havent heard from thataccount either.  Am holding check for account of Anne Piscitello. to amount $101. to cover interest due November 29, 1931. $100.00( Have received additional $2.00 interest for holding), expect to cash in on this February 2nd. Mc Cann. will owe $260. in addition to $50.00 on February 18th. 

Only good news to report is that market is firm at 1.30 P.M. Please continue.

Regards to all.
Your brother,