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Written at Hadley Field
New Brunswick New Jersey
May 12, 1932

Dearest Mother: 

I was in the city the day your welcome letter arrived here so I got it a day late. Last night I was and Pete and we found the little man whinning an rather miserable. He wouldn't let his mamma away from him for any time at all and I suppose now that that is going to be a thing that it will t ke a little time to overcome. Ruth has been wonderful about this illness and I think she has been worth bothe of the nurses put together. 

The doctor seem to think trust the operation was successful and tomorrow he intends to pull out the stitches. I suspect that Pete isn't going to like the idea of another whiff of ether after his first experience?

He is running over the hospital -- it is the only way to get him quiescents I tell you it's pretty hard to coop a young fellow up like that and expect him to like it -- when he feels bad enough as it is. His appetite has been poorly and last night he did eat a bit of ice cream althought he drank absotlutely no milk yesterday and passed by some lovely chicken broth and a fresh egg that sore poor sick soul sent in to him. The same poor soul promised him a little chickie to take home with him when he leaves either during or after the coming weekend. What we'd do with a young chicken I don't know! 

I'll write you again if there is anything special. Thanks for the candle and prayers. 

We all send you and all our love,
your son, 

PS I was just about to store my old racoon in a tar bag and thought if you don't want your similar coat I might ask you to send it and I'll have mine repaired if the tailor doesn't want too much.