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Park Way
Short Hills, New Jersey
(For Mail use Brantwood, Summit)
May 19, 1932

Dearest Mother:

When the package with the coat came thanked you silently, opened it up and took out Petes' books and told Nanna to hang out the coat. Last night when I got home after a trip to toSyracuse N.Y. Ruth told me that there was a present in the pocket that I hadn't suspected. So thanks on all accounts for the thoughtfulness and goodness.

Pete still has a temperature of 101 and is naturally wobbly but he looks good and I believe is on the mend. We took back the nurse with us and will keep her through today or tomorrow if all is going well and Ruth recuperates hereself from the strain she has been under in the hospital. I certainly fee l sorry for both Mother and childand I am happy to have the family back at home. They, too, are glad to be back I tell you......

Ruth probably wrote you from the hospital about my going on a four day week due to the depression. Tht is a tough break and with all the other bad luck I've had and present expenses I'm now beginning to doubt our ability to stay in our present home. That sounds downright pessimistic but things have never been so poor in outlook as now and it is getting more and more difficult to keep a stiff upper lip as the saying goes. My chief worry is the job and health as the job isn't panning out as it was supposed to when I came with this company and my health, while excellent, is not so good as far as my legs are concerned. Everybody has a hard luck story these days and I am no exception to the general rule, although a year or more ago I really thought I was sitting fairly well in comparison with the majority of people I know. Nothing to do but wait and see.....

I have no extra pictures yet but will get some printed so you can give a couple away as you wish.

Sorry to hear the sad news from Canada. From the conditions there it is doubtful if any news that is good will be forthcoming, ever, now. Ratherdismal that.

Much love to you from us all.

Your son,