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Park Way
Brentwood Short Hills N.J.
For mail use Summit N.J.
May 191932

[[Dear?]] Billy"

This letter puts me one up on you for the first time in a long time. Not that I may be ahead as you probably have one in the mail somewhere for me now.

We have Pete and his mother back home and apparently on the mend, althought the little fellow still is running a temperature from an infection. All I got to do now is to figure out how I', to pay the doctor......

I suppose mother or the paper has told you my company went on a four day week starting this week. I'm all at sea about how it is going to turn out, and with all the other bum luck I've had in the past year I'm wondering if I can stay where I'm now living much longer.

[[I've?]] got about $1900 in the Middlesex [[Cooperative?]] Bank that I'm going to have to let go of shortly and if you get a good opportunity to ask someone you know about that (Me Merriam) bank and its affairs I wish you would [[do go?]] and let me know. I know nothing to take care of the approaching [[?]] of the series one shares which will call for a large amount of cash unless paid up shares [[?]] accepted instead. I must have the cash and that is why I want to get a quiet line on how they stand if you can do it.

The price of consolidated gas and First National Stores lately leads me to think it might be opportune to buy a hundred of either at the recommended price i mentioned a while ago. There is no definiet trend and the present state of distrust and no confidence is not a good time to put out all the case on hand. But I think $4000 or [[$50000.00?]] could be withdrawn and 100 of either of the stocks mentioned purchased for future sale and intermediate income. Gas is not as much my choice as FST because you can watch FST better. At 37 it looks good and I understand it has a good Moody rating besides. Gas at 44 is good on the surface as far as I know and with any kind of a return of domestic consumption of fuel light of power ought to show increasing returns. I am in no hurry to counsel any purchase but if you are still considering it and want my present opinion I think 100 of either of these and especially Fst, at around the last lows would be OK

Give me the news as usual if anything unusual turns up. 

Best to you and Alcie from us all. 

[[Your?]] brother,
