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Framingham, Massachusetts.
May 21, 1932.

Dear Raymond:
Your letters of May 16th.-19th. were somewhat of a shock to me. I am not so prompt in answering the first one, as, on May 16th, with the aid of a helper, all windows were washed: screens and awnings put up, curtains taken down, rugs out, May 17, all floors washed in gasoline, waxed and polished by machine: rugs beaten and returned. May 18th, Kellogg Street. Lawns mowed. May 19th, Kellogg Street. A. M.  Pearl St. P.M.  But no real business excepting Real Estate Agent showing Big house for rental on Friday. Have another apointment for Wednesday at 3 P.M. if either are sucessful to us if will be on basis of $100. per month. Expect to put in Lally columns within next ten days. 

Abdelmeseh. fire will be settled for about $3000. which will cover all repairs. I understand he will recieve about $2200. for Stock, Fixtures and  Household goods. I was given to understand that our interest would be paid from this. These mortgages would not be paid, unless it was a complete loss, at which time there would be an equity left over for owner. 

I do not know anything about the Neil Bassetts groupe, but understand most of companies have doing that same thing.

As far as I can hear about the Middlesex Co-Operative Bank, is that they are very careful, also would state that I watch local paper very carefully for Mortgage sales, but have not seen any from that bank for some time. 

This purchasing of stock is a tough one, with the exception of buying something and putting it away. I am enclosing statement of FST. which looks very good, at $40. with present devidend would return app. 6% A. T. T. at present price of 100 or less would net 9% if their dividend was out to 6% it would still look good at present price. It seems that most everything is discounted, some too much. With present business and the usual Presidential year bunk. What to-hell? My friend at Hornblowers' says he would not tell me to buy now, but, also says he would not recommend the Telephone deal we did put through. Although admits; Tel. Com.-Gas. Drug and First Natl. all good companies.

Am glad that Pete is back home, and that he will improve fast. 

Am sorry to hear you are on a four day basis. There is much complaining at First National Store here, it seems that so much help is available at this time, that one is apt to be thrown out, without even a notice: a stranger taking his place on next morning. 

If we can find the price, may take a trip to Montral onweek end, on account of holaday comming on Monday.

Best regards to all,
Your brother,
