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Copy of lease for Centre House

This indenture, made the 1st day of June in the year of our Lord 1932, Witnesseth, That Henry F and William F. Brooks, Co-Trustees of the Frank E. Brooks Realty Trust, do hereby lease, demise, and let unto Harriet C. Schmeltz of Newton, Middleses County, Mass. their property comprising unfurnished house and 2 acres of land more or less with the b buildings thereon, located on Central St.,(bordered by Kellogg St) Framingham, Middlesesx Cty Mass.

It is underestood and agreed that:

1 The lessee shall have the option to renew this lease for the term of one year under the same terms and conditions,except that istaxes or assessments are increased during the second year of the term then the rent will be at the rate of $100 per month. 
2. The lessee will assume all charge for gas electricity telephone and water during the term of this lease.
3. The lessee shall keep the grounds in good condition at her expense during the term of this lease.
4. The lessee shall make the following repairs to the property if same are necessary for structural safety;2 Lally columns in basement of barn, 2 in back shed and strengthen callar atairs.
5 The lessee shall have the privilege of installing gas or electricity range with pipes and wires appurtenant thereto and range oil burner, which she may remove at expiratio of lease, replacing bricks in chinmney opening in laundry.

To hold for the term of one (1) year from the first day of July 1932 yielding and paying rent therefor the rent of Nine hundred ($900)Dollars. And said lessee does promise to pay the said rent in equal monthly payments of Seventy-give($75) dollars, payable xx in advance. It is further understood and agreed that the xx lessee shall have possession from the first of June 1932.

and to quit and deliver up the premises to the lessor or their attorney, peaceably and quietly, at the end of the term, in as good order and condition, reasonable use and wearing thereof fire and other unavoidable caususlties excepted, as the same now are, or may be put into by the said lessor, and to pay the rent above statedx for such further time as the lessee may hold same and not make or suffer any waste thereof; nore lease nor underlet nor permit any other person or persons to occupy or impro ve the same, or to make or suffer to be made any alteration therein, but with the approbation of the lessor thereto, in writing,having been first obtained; and that the lessor may enter to view and make improvements., and to expel the lessee is she shall fail to pay the rent aforesaid, or make or suffer any strip or w waste thereof.