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Written at HadleyField New Brunswick New Jersey Sept. 20, 1932 Dear Henry, I, with the rest of us down in Jersey, was so sorry to learn that you had once again to undergo an ip operation. I'm dashing this off to let you know we thought of you a great deal and heard indirectly that you were making out O.K. Now won't you send a line when you get home and around, saying that you are indeed well again? It was a surprise that you had to go to the hospital at all as I thought you were not being bothered with any more of that trouble...…. The four day week is still with me and I hope that the job will last at least through the winter. They tell us now (to bolster up lost morale) that no more lay-offs or firing for the present. But for the present may mean only until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning for all we know. It's going to be plenty tough this winter with 11 million people out of work and I hope I don't add to the number. We were glad to have mother with us for her visit and she probably been able to tell you all about our doings. Pete has had too many asthmatic attacks to please me with the situation but we are hoping that with the coping of frost there will be at least a let-up. I don't what to do to keep up my own morale do it is a cinch. I'd be a fine one to write you a Polyanna letter while in the hospital. Anyway, we all trust you and the family are well and carrying on in goodhealth. Best O'luck, Your brother,