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Report on the Condition of the
of Framingham Massachusetts at the close of business September 30, 1932, as rendered to the Commissioner of Banks.


U.S. and Mass. bonds ...... 73,300 00
Other stocks and bonds......610,046 94
Loans on real estate ...     46,623 81
Other demand loans...      1,106 00
Time loans with collateral ... 35,418 12
Other time loans...         217,469 38
Installment Loans...        54,706 95
Overdrafts...                 130 94
Safe deposit vaults, furniture and fixtures ...26,300 00
Due from other banks ...       93,200 25
Cash: Currency and specie,...     82,082 36
Checks on other banks...       10,650 38
                               1,251,035 13
For the last thirty days the average reserve carried was: currency and reserve banks 6.55 per cent; U.S and Mass. bonds 6.00 per cent.

Savings Department Assets
U.S Governments ...........      154,655 68
Public funds, bonds and notes ... 18,995 44
Railroad bonds ...............    64,020 80
Gas, electric and water company bonds...........................  98,850 00
National banks and trust company stocks.........................  116,067 54
Securities acquired for debts ..  11,200 00
Loans on real estate .......... 1,316,975 86
Loans on personal security ....   255,639 71
Real estate by foreclosure, etc .. 61,147 91
Due from national banks and trust companies........................ 138,942 84
Cash (currency and specie) ......  21,541 29
Tellers Shorts .................       20 00
Other assets ....................   2, 200,00
                                  2,260,257 07

Deposits.................... 1,896,599 36
Christmas and other club deposits ... 78,780 25
Guaranty fund ...............   54,885 20
Profit and loss ............     6,736 36
Interest, rents, etc., less current expenses and taxes ........................  24, 571 98
Interest for Xmas Club .......      300 00
Bills Payable ................  198,383 92
                               2,260,257 07

Trust Department Assets
Deposits in savings banks..... 381 36
                               381 36

Trust accounts ............... 381 36
The foregoing statements are made and subscribed to under the penalties of perjury. 
Herbert E. Taylor, Treasurer
George H. Fitts, A. B Fitts, George W. Butterworth, Ira S. Lewis and Frederic H. Hilton, Directors.