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October 22, 1932.

Dear Raymond:

Your letter of October 20th, is received. In reply to your first line would state we a had a pleasent trip, leaving on Tuesday on 3.45 A.M. in a very heavy fog (except through Nebscot);stopped at No. Chelms-ford in a large diner, for breakfast, at which place we waited for day-break, it was foggy to Concord, N. H. later we had a bit of sunshine; a few minutes only. From Derby, Vt. to Sherbrooke, it rained torrents. Arrived about 12.15, dinner at New Sherbrooke Hotel, called on Uncles and Aunt. delivered checks which were due that day in person. Expected a touch from Aunt Emerance, but did not get one. It seems she wrote a letter dated October 10th, but did not mention it at that time. She stated that their newswas not very good, stating that Archie was not very well. It seems that Colbert is the only one not so well; mostly overweight and old age, but the other two were O.K. Sent the usual $50.00 to her to cover coal and wood. Stated that she should have told me when I was at the house, also when it was gone we could not do any more for her. I also stated that Archie looked fine when we called. Left for Quebec City on Wednesday, weather not so good, from Quebec to Montreal on Thursday, had three snow squalls on this trip. Montreal to Framingham on Friday, cloudy all day. Your reading of reduced prices on liquor in Canada is not so good, prices about the same, as per booklet enclosed, with a 15 cents stamp tax extra on each quart, for unemployment.  Balance in Bank of Montreal at this time is $527.23 Framingham Trust Co. $1997.32 Interest will be payable about November 15th on balance of November 1st.( 6 months ) Would like to transfer one more thousand to Sherbrooke in order to increase it somewhat, premium now is only about 8%, but that would increase it somewhat. Montreal expects money to be at par very soon.

Herewith is listed all cash and deposits:
|CASH on hand.|$93.83|
|Framingham Trust Co. Checking account.|1383.47|
|Framingham Trust Co. Savings Dept.( Int. to May 1,)|8493.43|
|Farmers & Mechanics Savings. (Interest to Oct. 7,)|4105.34|
|Framingham National Bank. (Interest to Oct. 21,)|4093.99|
|Taxes are payable not later than November 1, 1932.|2422.40|

Henry and myself are willing to let you have the money as stated, on the same basis as in Henry's case. Have not been able to speak to Lilly about it as yet, and am anxious to know that, if you get it, Lill. wants some and I want some, where in hell does that fund go? Received notice of one more house to be vacated, #76 Peark Street.