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Written at Hadley Field
November 17, 1932

Dearest Mother:

Enclose dare two more of the snapshots you spoke about in your letter. I thought I gave you extras when you were here but evidently not enough to go around for so popular a picture. Haven't taken any new ones for a while but will send any that are good when I do.
Peter has been fine since that last big attack of which I wrote you. His cheeks are filling out again and he is full of the dickens which I take to be a good sign. Hope it will continue, we all say.

Yes, we got a studio couch some time ago--when Pete got sick and the nurse came to be exact. Ruth and I had to have the nurse close the doors upstairs so we wouldn't hear her and Pete and we slept on the couch through the period she was with us. Otherwise I don't know what we would have done as we were both asleep on our feet.

Right now I'm scrapping and refinishing Petes room and he is in the front room? It is a hard job to do this work and I should have a machine. but it is some satisfaction when it is finally finished, at that.

I'll be glad to have a professional pecker take care of getting the dishes is you really mean that you don't need them and we can have them. We have no real china like that and I've always been crazy about that set. I thought you were just being polite when you offered them but if the other sets up there are more than your need then you may be certain we would be happy to have that Haviland no mistake! I don't want to cause any hard feeling though, mom, so let me know what is in your mind.

Billy wrote me that he had notice from another tenant and it is enough to make one feel sick when conditions keep on being so bad. After looking over the tax list of the town I wonder where anybody is going to get all that money. Our local paper is full of tax sales of property each week.

We are so sorry to learn about the Worcester troubles. If she is cared fro all right it will perhaps be better all around though. I think I heard Ruth say she had some more of  Peters' things that she is getting ready for Annette.

About the fur coat--I'm going to get another year out of my glorious cover and Ruth has something she never expected to have let me tell you with more thank yous. Even Pete is up and coming as we had the tailor trim down the coat (which was still too big) and trim the collar with the piece Blanche send down from Edwins' coat. We tried it on Pete over his Dr. Dentons' last night and he looked so cute with the long pants effect....

I hope all are well and that Henry is better.
All our love   your son