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October 1, 1933
Dear Raymond: 
Usual monthly statement is enclosed.
Am glad to state that #74 Pearl Street, is let from Nov. 1st: on which, I have a deposit of $10.00: Hope to get that at about the same cost as #70 for satisfaction, to owners and the new tenant.

We have agreed to allow until October 13th, for transfer of Abdelmaseh Note to the Home Loan Association, at which time interest plus interest will amount to $219.58, due to us: While the Home Loan Bonds is notguaranteed by U.S. you can get, at least 80% at this time, but interest isguaranteed, if one wants to hold them at 4%: However think this is much better than a kick in the ass, and might be at par when stabilized. I listed this loan in the assets as zero. 

As to Henry; While I think what is being done, for improvement, in the basement (to be ready for repeal: which I think may come to hotels of 40room or over) is O.K. but think under the present rent and expenses, we are allowing too much; but, if this comes through as figured, we should get more rent, or, have the Realty Trust run-it ourselves. As to loans to Henry: Loans and interest to September 30, 1933. amount to $5098.81; Cannot figure where in the hell he will get off if this continues.

Have not talked with Mother, except by phone; but, must state that lawn at #80 Pearl Street, was not attended to since Mother left, but, the "Big Shot" (Phil. Who sleeps daily, until about 10.30.A.M.) mowed the lawn Friday September 29th: Understand his line, is, amateur theatricals John Barrymore, in "disgust."

Hope yourself and the baby, will be in perfect health, after all your expenses to the doctors.

Best regards to all,
Your brother,

P.S. Archie and Colbert are receiving $8.00 per week; as long as it lasts.