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Written at Hadley Field 
New Brunswick N.J.
Oct 4, 1933

Dearest Mother:

So glad you enjoyed the quick and different trip home the other day. I note that the trouble with your telegram was the fact that it was sent the same as mail instead of to Short Hills and the dumb operator at Wesern Union didn't deliver it (1 1/4 miles) or think to look in the telephone book under Short Hills. Next time the surest way is to put our telephone number in the address.

Well we get out of the woods once and then go right back into them again. I hate to seem as though we are the only ones ever sick and you'd think extra care isn't taken of the offspring--but the fact just remains that the day you took off from the Newark airport Pete caught a whale of another cold. Along with asthma at the same time and much congestion so that his breathing and coughing has been frightful  Ruth has been doing nothing but follow Dr. Smiths' suggestions and we sleep when we can. Today the hack seems to be looser but it still gives me the discouraging shivers. How long oh! Lord How Long???

On top of it all the ears of this scribe still hiss and ring most uncomfortably. I really think one of these days I'll go balmy or potty or nutty............

Aunt Sarah seems to be holding her own from latest reports. Hope they don't give her any bad news when they finally get through x-raying her.

Yes we had company Saturday night until the middle hours and then for the remainder of the night. When gang comes for a visit it generally turns into a VISIT. What I mean! Anyway I'm glad its over and won't happen again for a long time--that's how I look at it. Too much.

The Toothes have let [[their?]] home and moving into an apartment. Business gone to pot and I hope we are not next. Awfully sorry. They are such nice people. 

Hope you are all well. Love to all.

your son,