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Written at Hadley Field
New Brunswick N.J.
November 28, 1933

Dear Bill:

Acouple of enclosures herewith--the check is according to your note, in payment for policy L-152. Thanks and I'll buy you a drink when the real? good stuff comes in next week. By the way--did you ever give me an answer on how I'm going to get some rye that is right in price, through Henry?

The receipt for the Hill money also.. Thanks again . Unless you need to build up assets I don't see why the balance of the Hill amount cannot be distributed. That would give us three an even $1000 and cancel the same amount of Henrys' i indebtedness . And if the fundin reserve is up to snuff and there is no requirement to add further to cash or assets in handxx then it follows that according to our stated policy of liquidation the converted mortgage should be disbursed in toto. As far as I'm concerned--and not to upset you ideas on cash balance--you can arrange for cashing the Framingham Cooperative share equal to my share and send me the check as soon as the bank will pony up for the certificate. What I'll do in the case of the Henry Wilson 400, unless you can conveniently do it for me if the transfer has not already been made, is to ask the Natick bank to give me cash as soon as allowable. Most banks of any standing will waive the 90 day clause if pressed a bit. Anyway I do not see my way clear to hold either of the paid up shares and want to have the cash as soon as expedient.

The item on Orville Denison was another of those coincidences. I went over to the RCA building the other night to an aeronautical meeting and who should I see but Orville for the first time in ten years. He has become large in head and body, with a mane of grey hair, but he hasn't changed much otherwise. He told me he was with the St. Morliz for the winter, chasing banquets andotherwise getting new business. Good job for his idle months. Invited him over t Jersey, but suppose he'll be too busy to get out.

I hope Canadian Funds stay near er so the uncles wont be gipped much in exchange if you send US dough. After all--if you think our dollars are going to get the worst of it perhaps you'd best send up some more deposit while the swap is even. I'm concerned over this fund as well as our cash assets as I've said before--if inflation takes hold these dollars just depreciate that is all--unless you put it into equities. Devil with interest--cover your principal in some sound stock with a good record. Get FST if you want to, or SOJ--but in any event I don't agree that we ought to still stay asleep. No excuse for that. Can't you get together?

Regards to all.
Your brother