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[[stamp]]National-BenFranklin Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, Pa. Organized 1866 [[/stamp]]

Eastern Department 
Newark, N.J.
2 Main Street
Telephone Framingham 1248

[[stamp]] Neal Bassett. President
John Kay. Vice-Pres-Treasurer
A. H. Hassinger, Vice-President
Wells T. Bassett. Vice-President [[/stamp]]

December 20, 1933.

Dear Raymond:

I acknowledge receipt of your favor of the 13th, and assure you that you are not boring me with too great a rush of letters.

I have delayed this letter a bit on account of being under the weather a bit, was able to tend to business, but, was not allowed out for about one week. It was very funny; had insurance examination about three days previous to having a Doctor call, the examination was A1.

The interest on the Co-operative Bank shares will be due about February 10th, at 3 1/2%; therefore took the chance that you would not object to the cash: Check to amount of $400.00 is enclosed.

Have not idea as to gift to Mother. Intended to purchase bottle of De Kuyper Gin, but find that it will not arrive in this country until after Christmas. Have purchased a Candle Wick Spread, which we understand she would like; May not suit the rest of the family, but, had to get something. Henry intends to give a bottle of Booths' Tom Gin, you will have to use your own judgement.

As to cash enough to purchase any stocks; would state that I am slightly up against it, to know just how much cash we have on hand: For instance; Mother will get $600. the last of the month; have asked if she would be willing to accept $600.00 in Co-operative shares, which would have earned at least two months interest, instead of cash. No answer received as yet. Our cash balance is as follows:
Framingham Trust Company. Checking. $457.75
Framingham Trust Company. Savings. $4288.32
Framingham National Bank. Int. Dept. $279.04
Farmers & Mechanics Savings Bank. $3169.18
Cash. $48.28
$8242.57 [[representative of total]]
If Mother insests on cash, above will be dented somewhat.

I enclose letter from Schmeltz, which the three of us have decided to grant, with same as on lease, for the term as stated.Will grant this by letter, subject to acknowledgement from them. Kindly return this letter.

Only bad news I have to offer, is, $10000. insurance on the Old Colony expires in January. Will renew for three years.
Your brother